Israel against Arab Citizens – Apartheid and Zionism
by Milena Rampoldi, ProMosaik e.V. – Tomorrow an important event will start. We published the invitation this morning. The event is organised by Middle East Monitor and concerns Israeli violations against Palestinians in Israel. Palestinians are victims of Israeli apartheid, and oppressed second-class citizens in their own land. We had the opportunity to interview Yasmina Allouche, Events and Admin Officer of Middle East Monitor. We asked her some questions about the event, its objectives, and zionism. Israeli zionism is backed by Western nations. So, we have to raise our voice in the West to make Western understand that they do not have to support Israel because it is a colonialist Apartheid State. I would like to thank Yasmina for her time.
Middle East Monitor presents its first event of 2016, “Targeting dissent: Israel’s crackdown on Palestinian citizens” which will take place on 30th January at P21 Gallery from 13:00-15:00. – See more at:
Middle East Monitor presents its first event of 2016, “Targeting dissent: Israel’s crackdown on Palestinian citizens” which will take place on 30th January at P21 Gallery from 13:00-15:00. – See more at:
Middle East Monitor presents its first event of 2016, “Targeting dissent: Israel’s crackdown on Palestinian citizens” which will take place on 30th January at P21 Gallery from 13:00-15:00. – See more at:
Middle East Monitor presents its first event of 2016, “Targeting dissent: Israel’s crackdown on Palestinian citizens” which will take place on 30th January at P21 Gallery from 13:00-15:00. – See more at:
Middle East Monitor presents its first event of 2016, “Targeting dissent: Israel’s crackdown on Palestinian citizens” which will take place on 30th January at P21 Gallery from 13:00-15:00. – See more at:
Milena Rampoldi: What are the main objectives of this important event about Israel?
Yasmina Allouche: The event seeks to focus on the numerous human rights violations that Israel – a western-backed democratic state – regularly undertakes against Palestinians, in particular Palestinians living within its borders. Israel has continually violated and continues to violate international law and the human rights treaties to which it is a signatory through its discriminatory policies, particularly against those Palestinians living as Israeli citizens within the Green Line. We wish to highlight the specific injustices that Arabs living within the Green Line as Israeli citizens regularly face in all socio-economic and political aspects that counters greatly the basic needs and privileges that Jewish-Israelis have as a right.
MR: If you are human, you cannot stand with Zionist Israel, but only with anti-Zionist Jews. This is my principle when I fight for Palestinian rights. What does Zionism mean to you? What does the anti-Zionist struggle mean to you in this event in particular?
YA: Zionism often gets confused with Judaism and as an extension being anti-Zionist is on a par with anti-Semitism which is a dangerous tool that the Israeli state exploits regularly as a justification to continue its atrocities against the Palestinians. Zionism is a toxic, fascist ideology that has failed to receive the same nature of condemnation that fascism in other forms historically have faced and has therefore been given the leeway to continue its racial discrimination and Occupation for decades with continued Western backing. Not only are Palestinians outside of the Green Line treated abhorrently, Arab living as Israeli citizens still face such racial discrimination and second-class citizenry denying their right to a quality of life afforded to Jewish Israelis. As a Western-recognised democracy this is unacceptable.
MR: Which are most important aspects of Israeli apartheid?
YA: The consequences of Israeli Apartheid is something that not only affects Palestinians but is a mark that taints a morally-conscience world. What Israel is permitted to do, whether building Illegal settlements on Palestinian land, waging war in one of the most concentrated places on earth, or shooting dead Palestinian protesters, has only continued because of the backing of western powers that financially and politically support the endeavors it deems necessary to ensure its existence. However these measures not only violate international law but allow Israel the impunity it needs to sustain its existence.
MR:Can you tell us something about the experts you invited to the event?
MR:Can you tell us something about the experts you invited to the event?
YA: Dr. Yousef T. Jabareen: Lecturer at the University of Haifa and Tel-Hai Academic College, and head of the sub-department of Social Education who has served as the founding Director of the Arab Centre for Law and Policy, Dirasat, based in Nazareth and was elected to the Knesset as a member of the Joint Arab List in 2015.
Dr. Durgham Saif: Professor at Al-Quds University in Abu-Dis, Palestine, who has served as an adjunct Professor at Georgetown University Law Center, Washington DC, where he also received his doctorate degree with distinction. He is a member of the Israeli Bar Association and specialises in constitutional and administrative law.
Malia Bouattia: Black Students’ Officer of the National Union of Students (NUS).
Ben White: Journalist, and author of ‘Palestinians in Israel: Segregation, Discrimination and Democracy’.
MR: Which will the most important topics of the event be?
YA: Each speaker will bring their expertise to the subject of Israeli dissent and speak as an overview of the targeted dissent against Palestinians whilst also mirroring similar actions that take place internationally past and present.