Our community and publishing initiative LAPH addresses all author who have written books, articles or others or who are about to complete their work and are now looking for possibilities to have their work published.
In this respect it is not important how large the produced work is, as ProMosaik welcomes also short texts, articles and comments on its website. Authors are also welcome to prepare and publish interesting subjects on the website in form of news or present a book review relevant to the subjects ProMosaik focuses on.
For us it is also not important whether you are a professional writer or write as a hobby. For us it is much more important that you are enthusiastic about writing and occupy yourself mainly with cultural-, linguistic-, religious subjects, peace education and dialogues. It is the intention of the association to build bridges between the various authors and opinions, in order to promote a dialogue between the cultures, languages, peoples, and religion.
This is the main objective pursued by ProMosaik: to bring together cultures and religions, languages and different groups of people.
If you intend to publish your work, then you are welcome to our internet portal. This will offer you the opportunity to introduce your work under your own name and also enable sponsors who may like your contributions to support you and present your work to a much larger public.
We will also be pleased to support you to have your work translated into another language, offering international readers the chance to get acquainted with your thoughts and philosophy of life.
Our portal is directed to
- Professional Writers
- Hobby Writers
- Journalists
- Poets
- Human Rights’ Activists
- Women’s Rights Activists
- Intellectuals involved in such subjects
focusing on the following:
Culture, Religions, Peace Education, Intercultural Dialogue, Current Events, Women’s Rights, Children all over the World, Social Sciences, Languages, Politics, Development Aid, Education, Literature, Psychology, Racism and Xenophobia, History.
ProMosaik offers to authors the following services free of charge:
- Publishing news, reviews, books, comments, articles, short texts and contributions on the association’s internet portal
- Publications under the author’s own name with a short profile of the relevant author
- The opportunity to attract sponsors for the author’s own work
- Translations of works into other languages within the scope of company sponsors and lovers of cultural issues
- Extending and differentiating the group of readers of the author’s work by publishing this on the internet.
If you are enthusiastic about writing and you would like to present your opinion on certain subjects to a wider audience and maybe even encourage a serious discussion which is not drowned in the endless depths of the internet, then Promosaik is the right place for you.
Our community is not interested in having your work just uploaded on our homepage to be forgotten in due course. We are interested that sponsors become aware of you through our community, and may be able to assist you in making your work accessible to many more people also in other countries, and also to introduce your work in the scope of events organised by the association in an ideal case.
If you want to have your contribution published on our homepage, you can simply contact the relevant country’s representative of the association. He/she will then advise you and publish your contribution on ProMosaik’s website.
The country representatives are, of course, also available to answer questions about the association and its objectives and we are all looking forward to your texts!
Here you can visit our Contact Page.
If you are a poet, contact ProMosaik Poetry.
If you write children stories, contact ProMosaik Children.
We look forward to hear from you or rather to read your contributions.