FHI 360 – Everything is connected

by Milena Rampoldi, ProMosaik. Here in the following my interview with Jennine Meyer of FHI 360. FHI 360 starts from the assumption that everything is connected. Health, Education, Nutrition, Environment, Economic development, Civil society, Gender, Youth, Research, and Technology depend one from other and are networked. This is the core message of FHI 360 in all its projects in different fields. 

The core message of the organisation FHI 360 is expressed by the name of theorganization. FHI 360  stands for a comprehensive approach in which all areas for life are interconnected. The name of the organization reflects the approach to complex human development challenges. Integrated. Customized. Connected. FHI 360 delivers expert, thoughtful responses to these challenges. The staff regularly contributes to national policies and guidelines, publish in leading journals and provide technical guidance to major development partners. Even when interventions require a narrow focus, FHI 360 begin with the big picture in mind — thinking holistically in its search for solutions. 
I asked Jennine Meyer about the mission and vision of FHI 360 and she told me:

The mission of FHI 360 is improve lives in lasting ways by advancing integrated, locally driven solutions for human development. FHI 360 envisions a world in which all individuals and communities have the opportunity to reach their highest potential.
Image from the website of FHI 360
Milena Rampoldi: Which are the values you focus on in your work?
Jennine Meyer: The values we focus on in our work and projects are:
–         Innovation to meet the evolving needs of our beneficiaries, funders and partners.
–         Mutual respect for diversity and cultural differences.
–         Passion driven by a personal commitment to make a positive difference.
–         Accountability for our work, measuring, reporting and continually improving all that we do.
–         Commitment to excellence assured by the highest ethical, quality, operational performance and scientific standards.
–         Teamwork across disciplines and geographies, within the organization and with our partners.

ProMosaik appreciates very much the following in the approach of FHI 360 to substainable development: Information and communication technology helps the organization make and expand connections to build and sustain relationships. FHI 360 uses technology to increase access to information, to improve practice and to facilitate interaction among many stakeholders. So for FH 360 technology has a positive meaning. Technology is positive if it is used in an intelligent way, and this is an important point. Technology helps us, if we are dominated by technology, but if we use it to develop our human and social lives. 

For us here at ProMosaik another fundamental point concerns the ethical use of technology. Science has to be used ethically. The same applies to technology. Also technology has to be used in an ethical way. In all its projects in the technological field FHO 360 focusses on this principle. 
Milena Rampoldi: Which are the main practical areas of your work?
Jennine Meyer: Our areas of practice include civil society, communication and social marketing, economic development, education, the environment, gender, health, integrated development, nutrition, research, technology and youth. We develop projects in all these areas in different countries around the world, focussing on the 360-approach I explained above.

