Flick Harris from Manchester – accessibility for disabled people
by Milena Rampoldi and Denise Nanni, ProMosaik. In the following our interview with Flick Harris, Chair, Manchester Disabled People’s Access Group. As press portal for human rights, ProMosaik engages for a world without any kind of discrimination, and in the field of people disabilities ProMosaik cooperates with the Artemisia Project in Berlin. On this basis, we have decided to interview Flick from Manchester to get impulses about her work with disabled people. Would like to thank Flick for her time and the images she sent us.
The public sector is a lot less responsive since the Disability Discrimination Act was replaced with the Equality Act and public sector organisations aren’t monitored and don’t have to consult or create annual plans and targets. Private venues are often only interested in access when there are campaigns or complaints. Some issues are improving eg. information in the NHS and Manchester City Council which has currently started to implement a strategy around disability but it is hard work and a long haul and many businesses are not interested. Some new buildings and roads in Manchester are extremely hazardous for disabled people and are probably in breach of the Equality Act but it is too expensive to take legal action.
How do you cooperate with the public sector? Do you have any suggestion for public institutions and policy makers in order to promote the empowerment of people with disabilities?
Have a policy across all departments including housing, planning, licensing, information etc and involve disabled people’s organisations. Have annual reviews and plans which are implemented in consultation with disabled people’s organisations. Support, through grants, the continuation and development of access groups and other disabled people’s organisations. Fund advice services and law centres and reinstate legal aid for people taking action under the Equality Act. Incorporate access issues with other equality and diversity issues, e.g. designers making sure that baby changing areas are accessible for disabled parents and others in charge of children, ensure that there are toilets, accessible, available for transgender people, ensure that accessible facilities are also environmentally good e.g. water saving facilities and waste facilities related to accessible fixtures and fittings, ensure that Wudu washing facilities are accessible to disabled people etc. This is such a large topic that I have only given a flavour and haven’t included issues around independent living, employment and benefits issues which are mainly dealt with by other disabled people’s organisations in Manchester but can comment on them if necessary.