by Denise Nanni
May 12, 2017

Kawiye Social Development Foundation is looking for volunteers! 
Here our interview with them.


I wish to introduce our organization to Volunteers wish to work in Tanzania mainland.
1.   Our organization
We are Kawiye Social Development Foundation (KASODEFO), a registered Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) in the United Republic of Tanzania. Our organization was formed in 2010 as a Community Based organization (CBO). In 2012 our organization was registered as NGO with its registration number 00NGO/00005153 of 24th February, 2012. It  was found with strong commitment to fight the increase abject poverty, persistence of diseases (such as malaria, HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, malnutrition, infant fever, and other related challenges like poor family planning, etc),  human rights violations, gender based violence over women and children, discrimination and segregation characterized by the killings of elders and Albinos, forced and child marriages, beating of wives, raping, child pregnancies and  denial of education right to children especially girl children in Sukuma pastoral society of the then Shinyanga region (now part of Simiyu region).
We are working in Maswa district with the mission of helping community members to help themselves through sustainable initiatives and utilization of resources found in their localities. Our head office is situated in Majengo Street, Maswa town in Simiyu region. KASODEFO is operating in the thematic areas of human rights, community development, gender, education, health, water and environment.  The Foundation is dedicated and committed in protection and promotion of human rights, enhance gender equality, and improving quality of life by reducing poverty of the community through training and support in social and economic initiatives, rehabilitation and development programs basing on the national plan of reducing poverty (2025) and the sustainable development goals (2030).
We are looking for receiving Volunteers from to work with us in different activities implemented and managed by our organization. Some of the activities which need volunteers are;
i.          Teachers.
a.   Primary and Secondary schools (English, science and physical education)
We highly need volunteers to teach in primary and secondary schools in Maswa district. Teachers for teaching English subject, Science (Mathematics, Biology, Physics, Chemistry and Nutrition), and Physical education are needed much to teach in secondary ordinary and advanced level. Teachers for high school subjects (Chemistry, mathematics, nutrition, biology and physics)   are highly required to teach in Binza and Maswa girls high schools all found in Maswa town.
KASODEFO find schools for all volunteers to teach in public schools found in Maswa (urban and rural/periphery)
b.  IT Teachers/trainers
We need trainers/teacher to teach in any of the following areas;
·         Basic computer application courses
·         Computer maintenance
·         Computer programming and networking
·         Internet and email
·         We design and blog
·         Making of documentary
·         Graphics
The training center is owned by Kawiye Social Development Foundation located in Maswa town.
c.   Tailoring, embroidery and knitting trainers
Trainers are needed to teach in any of the following;
·         Tailoring
·         Knitting
·         Embroidery
ii.        Community sensitization programs in primary and secondary education
Also, volunteers to work in sensitizing the pastoral community of the Maswa district and Simiyu region to value education for their children and respond positively to issues related to child welfare are needed. This is due to the fact that there are high school dropouts in Maswa district due to child marriages and child pregnancies. Some of the parents force their children to get married so as to get cows paid for bride. Cows are highly valued in Sukuma pastoral society than child right for education because having many cows is a sign of wealth and dignity. Gender disparity in primary and secondary schools enrollment is another problem which need solution so as to guarantee equality in enrollment because girls are always denied their right for primary and secondary education due to bad tradition and attitude which regard and define girls as inferior group fit for domestic roles while boys are highly valued and sent to schools as a preparation for future roles as fathers, leaders of the community and inheritors of the family property.
iii.       Volunteers to work in community development projects (entrepreneurships, income generating activities, gardening, fish farming, poultry, pig farming, livestock keeping, cookery and beverage, etc)
We have initiated economic empowerment project to women and youth through micro credit scheme. In this scheme, our client are taking small loan (300,000/=) for eight months. Loan taken is used by the clients to enhance their small business basically gardening, beverage selling, selling of fruits and vegetables, fish farming, poultry, livestock keeping, carpentry, merchandizing, tailoring, etc. Volunteers are needed to train our clients in business management, credit and saving, home economics and entrepreneurship. Those who manage to make saving of at least Tsh 200,000/= within 8 months of repayment are eligible to get bigger (Mama) loan i.e. Tsh 500,000/= to be repaid for 10 months. It is revolving fund hence give new loans every month.  In this areas volunteers are needed for training and coaching our clients in business, entrepreneurships and production skills I the areas of their productions and even coming with innovative ideas.
iv.       Volunteers in health projects and working in dispensaries, health centers and hospital.
Volunteers are needed to work in;
·         Infant deaths control especially in controlling malaria, malnutrition and infant fever in the rural areas and work in dispensaries, health center and hospital.
·         Nurses, nurse midwives, medical assistants, clinical officers, laboratory technicians and doctors to work in public dispensaries, health centers and hospital. KASODEFO has strong and reputable partnership and relationship with the district medical department hence link volunteers to work in public health facilities.
·         Training and capacity building/building to Community health workers. KASODEFO has trained community health workers who are working as volunteers in the wards and villages of the Maswa district. They work in five areas namely;
– Malaria
– Family planning
–  Maternal and child health
–  Tubercolosis
v.        Volunteers in human rights program, legal education and legal aid.
·         Training and capacity development to Paralegals
KASODEFO is supporting Paralegals who are working as voluntary legal aid providers in all five district of the Simiyu region. They need technical support for example in legal counseling, human rights, criminals, marital issues, advocacy skills, lobbying skills, etc.
·         Volunteers to therein controlling the killings of elders especially the elder women in Maswa pastoral society. There are rampant killings of elder women especially the ones who have red eyes suspecting them for witchcraft and the cause of misfortunes, drought (lack of rainfall), maternal and infant deaths, etc. However, red eyes to elder women are the consequence of using cow dung which produces a lot of smoke as the source of fuel. Drought and frequent shortage of rain fall is the outcome of severe degradation of the environment caused by overstocking and overgrazing by the Sukuma nomadic pastoralists. Maternal and infants deaths are caused by poor provision of social services and poor health education in the district. So, the community needs education on human rights, diseases control and environment so as to be able disassociate these misfortunes with witchcraft suspects.  
·         To control the killings of Albinos. The killing of Albinos is mainly caused by poor belief that organs of Albino bodies are source of fortunes and good luck to the local miners in gold mines. Parts of Albino bodies are used as important ingredient in the charm for fortunes. So far, 73 Albinos have been killed in Tanzania with hundred of them injured and handicapped. Lake zone region including Maswa district are leading in killing and injuring Albinos. The community needs education so as to repute the fallacy and wrong belief that using organs of Albinos is a source of fortunes for prosperity and richness.
·         Control of GBV cases though sensitization campaigns, advocacy and policy advocacy.
vi.         Organization Technical Assistance (TA)
KASODEFO welcome volunteers to join our executive committee and offer technical support especially in the following areas;
·         Strategic planning
·         Fund raising and project design
·         Documentary design and graphics
·         Networking and social media uses
·         Monitoring and evaluation system
·         Agriculture (gardening, irrigation, fish farming, modern poultry, etc), water, hygiene and sanitation
·         Financial management technical assistance
vii.       Volunteers for Field research and practice, study tours and or interns
Our organization is also ready to receive Volunteers who comes for Field research and practice, study tours, intern, etc. 
2.  Political and social situation in Maswa (Where the organization is based)
i.             Political wise, Maswa district as in other parts of the country is characterized by peace, security and political stability. Maswa district is one of the five districts of the recently established Simiyu region in North western Tanzania. Previously, Maswa district was in Shinyanga region. Simiyu region is bordered by Manyara and Singida Region in the East, South by Shinyanga Region, West by Mwanza Region and North by Mara Region. Also Eastern and part of Northern Boundaries lies the famous Serengeti and Ngorongoro National Parks.
ii.            The natives and majority settlers of Maswa district are Sukuma pastoralists who are very generous especially to strange people who come to their area.
iii.           Our office is town where there is access to clean tape water, electricity supply, dispensaries, market and shopping centers, health centre and the Government district hospital. The District commissioner office, District Executive Director office, District Community Development Office, District Police Station and other officials are all in this town and they are cooperative to our organization.
iv.          There are also different religious denominations for Christian and Muslim volunteers.
3.  Volunteering fee
So far, there is no volunteering fee to our organization basing on the decision of the Board of directors. So, it is free for volunteers to come to participate and work to our organization. However, meals, accommodation, travel/transport, medical and visa are upon the volunteers themselves.
4.  Travel and transport to our office
A Volunteer from outside  has to come to Dar es salaam (airport), take a flight to Mwanza (the nearest city) where it take about 60 minutes and cost USD 105 (Tsh 230,000/=). From Mwanza city to Maswa is a 2 to 3 hours travel. By bus it cost USD 4.5 (Tsh 10,000/=) and by hiring private trip (taxi) it cost USD 68 (150,000/=). Another way is by bus from Dar es salaam to Maswa where it take about 14 hours and cost USD 27.7 (Tsh 50,000/=). Additionally, there is also a possibility for a Volunteer to be picked up from either Dar es salaam international airport or Mwanza city airport by KASODEFO upon request.
5.  Accommodation
Accommodation is offered in the following basis;
a.   Non-students
·         Home stay cost USD 480 per month i.e. USD 16 per day
·         Hostel cost USD 390 per month i.e. USD 13 per day
b.  Students
·         Home stay cost USD 390 per month i.e. USD 13 per day
·         Hostel cost USD 330 per month i.e. USD 11 per day
6.    Transport at our organization
a.   Vehicles
So far, the organization has no vehicle(s). So, if Volunteers need a car, our organization can help them to hire a good car which is suitable to their need and activities at a reasonable price.  
b.  Motor bikes
The organization offers a motor bike free of charge. Is upon the volunteer to buy fuel
c.   Bikes
 Bikes are available and used by volunteers free of charge
7.  Recreations and tourist attractions
KASODEFO is situated in the area which is near t;
a.    Mwanza city (lake Victoria, Saa nane national park, Bujora museum,etc)
b.    Maswa game reserve which is in the neighbor district
c.    Serengeti national park (which is about 80 km from Maswa)
d.    Zanzui dam (about 10 km from Maswa town).
8.  Our contact
Ezekiel Kassanga 
Executive director – KASODEFO
P.O. Box 124, Maswa – Simiyu, Tanzania
Phone: +255 (0)282750250
Mobile: +255786857772/ +255769590731
 Skype: kasodefotz

For more information about our organization visit  http://www.kasodefo.blogspot.com

